
What you see here may not make sense to you.

Friday, June 27, 2003

I must be thankful to my friend Cheran, who shapes my thoughts by getting it to the root and evolve from there. Our meetings are very constructive and thought provoking. It is good to be mentored by genius like him.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

An attempt to understand :- Syntax, Sematics and Pragmatics.

C.W. Morris in his Foundations of the Theory of Signs (1938) organizes semiotics, the study of signs, into three areas:
>> syntax (the study of the interrelation of the signs);
>> semantics (the study of the relation between the signs and the objects to which they apply); and
>> pragmatics (the relationship between the sign system and the user)

From WordNet
01. The grammatical arrangement of words in sentences
02. a systematic orderly arrangement
03. studies of the ruels for forming admissible sentences

From Free On-line Dictonary of Computing (FODC)

The Structure of strings in some language.

-> abstract syntax
-> concrete syntax
-> transfer syntax

From WordNet
01. the study of language meaning

The meaning of the string in some language as opposed to {syntax} which describes how symbols may be combined independent of their meaning.
PDCA - Plan Do Check Act

Come on I have problem at stage 2 (Do) itself. How do I get out of this problem? Hmmmm do I have to learn some new problem solving techniques. Eh? DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO, DO What you have planned.

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